Tires can leak up to one pound per square inch (psi) per month. tire pressure also responds to changes in temperature. in warm weather, air molecules expand and increase the tire pressure. in cold weather, the opposite happens.

since tire pressure can change quickly, all drivers should know how to check their tires’ pressure. the following directions will teach you how to check tire air pressure for safety.

1.Check tire air pressure: get a reliable tire pressure gauge.

You buy a reliable, accurate tire pressure gauge, put it in your glove box or another secure place in your vehicle.

2. When you check the air pressure, make sure the tires are cool — meaning they are not hot from driving even a mile.

3. Check tire air pressure: know your car’s recommended psi, most tires have recommended pressures between 30 and 35 psi. don’t assume that your vehicle fits into that range, though.Your car’s owner’s manual should have a tire air pressure chart that includes the manufacturer’s recommended psi.

4. Check tire air pressure: use your gauge to measure each tire’s pressure

now you can check each tire with your pressure gauge.

Unscrew and remove each tire’s cap. connect the tire pressure gauge to each tire and note the reading. if it falls within the manufacturer’s recommended pressure, then you don’t have anything to worry about.

5. Check tire air pressure: add air to tires with low pressure

if your tires have low air pressure, then you will need to add compressed air to the tires. you can purchase an air compressor to use at home. alternatively, you can use the air compressors at filling stations. it usually costs less than a dollar to use a filling station’s air compressor.

6. Visually inspect the tires to make sure there are no nails or other objects embedded that could poke a hole in the tire and cause an air leak.

7.Check the sidewalls to make sure there are no gouges, cuts, bulges or other irregularities. (note: air pressure in a tire goes up (in warm weather) or down (in cold weather) 1—2 pounds for every 10 degrees of temperature change.)

once you reach the recommended pressure, your car become safer, more fuel efficiency, and pleasant to drive.

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